In the actual state of social relationships, the forms ("formes", Fr.) of politeness are necessary as a subsitute to benevolence.
African SpirNothing that rest on some contradictory basis shall succeed or last in the long run ("ne saurait rรฉussir ou durer, ร la longue", Fr.); all that involve (or imply...) a contradiction is fatally destined, early or late, to disintegrate and disappear.
African SpirThe concept of absolute, hence (or whence) springs, in the moral field, the moral laws or norms, represent, in the field of knowledge, the principle of identity, which is the fundamental law of the thought; norms of logic springs from it, that govern the thought (or mind) in the field of science." ("Le concept de l'absolu, d'oรน dรฉcoulent, dans le domaine moral, les lois ou normes morales, constitue, le principe d'identitรฉ, qui est la loi fondamentale de la pensรฉe; il en dรฉcoule les normes logiques qui rรฉgissent la pensรฉe dans le domaine de la science.")
African SpirThe feeling ("sens", Fr.) of solidarity that is born amidst a community rest on the feeling of antagonism arouse (aroused ? arose ?... sorry, - "suscitรฉ", Fr.) by those who are opposed to it. Most of the time we only adhere to a party or a group, in order to better (or more, - "pour mieux se", Fr.) differentiate ourselves of another.
African Spir