Possessions of this world have not been for the exclusive use by such or such category of individuals.
African SpirThe concept of absolute, hence (or whence) springs, in the moral field, the moral laws or norms, represent, in the field of knowledge, the principle of identity, which is the fundamental law of the thought; norms of logic springs from it, that govern the thought (or mind) in the field of science." ("Le concept de l'absolu, d'oรน dรฉcoulent, dans le domaine moral, les lois ou normes morales, constitue, le principe d'identitรฉ, qui est la loi fondamentale de la pensรฉe; il en dรฉcoule les normes logiques qui rรฉgissent la pensรฉe dans le domaine de la science.")
African SpirSo many forces and resources would become available if States, aware (or conscious) of their true (or real) mission, would want to get on (or agree) to abolish every politics aiming at ("visant ร ", Fr.) expansion or hegemony; system that maintain among nations a a perpetual distrust and tension, impose on them (or force or compel, "leur impose", Fr.) formidable armies and crushing war budgets.
African SpirThe most sacred duty, the supreme and urgent work, is to deliver humanity from the malediction of Cain - fratricidal war.
African SpirIn this world everything that is won to the ideal, is an eternal (or imperishable, - "impรฉrissable", Fr.) good.
African SpirExperience shows that what great role pratice and experience play in education; pratice, the prolonged exercice lead to habit: exemple suggests imitation. Habit can become a second nature, but, wrongly directed (or guided), it may also heighten (or intensify) unfortunate tendencies and be an obstacle to progress.
African Spir