Poirot," I said. "I have been thinking." "An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it.
Agatha ChristieDon't think. That is the wrong way to bring anything back. Let it go. Sooner or later it will flash into your mind.
Agatha Christiea lot of trouble has been caused by memoirs. Indiscreet revelations, that sort of thing. People who have been close as an oyster all their lives seem positively to relish causing trouble when they themselves shall be comfortably dead.
Agatha ChristieMany years ago, when I was once saying sadly to Max it was a pity I couldn't have taken up archaeology when I was a girl, so as to be more knowledgeable on the subject, he said, 'Don't you realize that at this moment you know more about prehistoric pottery than any woman in England?'
Agatha Christie