According to one influential wing of modern secular society there are few more disreputable fates than to end up being 'like everyone else' for 'everyone else' is a category that comprises the mediocre and the conformist, the boring and the suburban. The goal of all right-thinking people should be to mark themselves off from the crowd and 'stand out' in whatever way their talents allow.
Alain de BottonYou have to be quite heavily invested in someone to do them the honour of telling them you're annoyed with them.
Alain de BottonI passionately believe that's it's not just what you say that counts, it's also how you say it - that the success of your argument critically depends on your manner of presenting it.
Alain de BottonDon't despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don't - surrender to events with hope.
Alain de Botton