It should not be Illiers-Combray that we visit: a genuine homage to Proust would be to look at our world through his eyes, not look at his world through our eyes.
Alain de BottonThe challenge of modern relationships: how to prove more interesting than the other's smartphone.
Alain de BottonPegging your contentment to the overall state of the world rather than of your own life: the basis of morality, or a sort of madness?
Alain de BottonOur sense of what is valuable will hence be radically distorted if we must perpetually condemn as tedious everything we lack, simply because we lack it.
Alain de BottonAt the beginning of human history, as we struggled to light fires and to chisel fallen trees into rudimentary canoes, who could have predicted that long after we had managed to send men to the moon and areoplanes to Australasia, we would still have such trouble knowing how to tolerate ourselves, forgive our loved ones, and apologise for our tantrums?
Alain de Botton