Dualistic doctrines that regard mind and body as separate entities do not provide much enlightenment on the nature of the disembodied mental state or on how an immaterial mind and bodily events act on each other
Albert BanduraThe content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time.
Albert BanduraSelf-efficacy is the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the sources of action required to manage prospective situations.
Albert BanduraForceful actions arising from erroneous beliefs often create social effects that confirm the misbeliefs
Albert BanduraPeople's conceptions about themselves and the nature of things are developed and verified through four different processes: direct experience of the effects produced by their actions, vicarious experience of the effects produced by somebody else's actions, judgments voiced by others, and derivation of further knowledge from what they already know by using rules of inference
Albert Bandura