It is no more informative to speak of self-efficacy in global terms than to speak of nonspecific social behavior
Albert BanduraPerceived self-inefficacy predicts avoidance of academic activities whereas anxiety does not
Albert BanduraIronically, it is the talented who have high aspirations, which are possible but exceedingly difficult to realize, who are especially vulnerable to self-dissatisfaction despite notable achievements.
Albert BanduraThe presence of many interacting influences, including the attainments of others, create further leeway in how one's performances and outcomes are cognitively appraised
Albert BanduraPeople who are burdened by acute misgivings about their coping capabilities suffer much distress and expend much effort in defensive action... they cannot get themselves to do things they find subjectively threatening even though they are objectively safe. They may even shun easily manageable activities because they see them as leading to more threatening events over which they will be unable to exercise adequate control.
Albert BanduraPerceived self-efficacy also shapes causal thinking. In seeking solutions to difficult problems, those who perceived themselves as highly efficacious are inclined to attribute their failures to insufficient effort, whereas those of comparable skills but lower perceived self-efficacy ascribe their failures to deficient ability
Albert Bandura