People judge their capabilities partly by comparing their performances with those of others
Albert BanduraPeople who underestimate their capabilities also bear costs, although, as already noted, these are more likely to take self-limiting rather than aversive forms. By failing to cultivate personal potentialities and constricting their activities, such persons cut themselves off from many rewarding experiences. Should they attempt tasks having evaluative significance, they create internal obstacles to effective performance by approaching them with unnerving self-doubts
Albert BanduraThe presence of many interacting influences, including the attainments of others, create further leeway in how one's performances and outcomes are cognitively appraised
Albert BanduraA theory that denies that thoughts can regulate actions does not lend itself readily to the explanation of complex human behavior.
Albert BanduraMany people who gain recognition and fame shape their lives by overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, only to be catapulted into new social realities over which they have less control and manage badly. Indeed, the annals of the famous and infamous are strewn with individuals who were both architects and victims of their life courses.
Albert Bandura