Industrialization is the systemic exploitation of wasting assets. In all too many cases, the thing we call progress is merely an acceleration in the rate of that exploitation.
Aldous Huxley...we were back at home, and I had returned to that reassuring but profoundly unsatisfactory state known as 'being in one's right mind.
Aldous HuxleyIf you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time.
Aldous HuxleyWar is often described as a law of nature-this is not true: Among the lower animals, war is unknown.
Aldous HuxleyTo the exponents of the Perennial Philosophy, the question whether Progress is inevitable or even real is not a matter of primary importance. For them, the important thing is that individual men and women should come to the unitive knowledge of the divine Ground, and what interests them in regard to the social environment is not its progressiveness or non-progressiveness (whatever those terms may mean), but the degree to which it helps or hinders individuals in the their advance towards man's final end.
Aldous Huxley