It is important to eliminate the stigma created by American imperialism and its allies regarding the Cuban political system. That stigma must be eliminated. You may think that there are no direct elections in Cuba. I am going to tell that they are direct and you can compare our process with any other country including the United States.
Alejandro Castro EspinThe great financial capital is not in one country, it is transnational, that is why it answers to power elites and that is why when I talk about the imperial power of United States I am in no way referring to the American people, who are a noble people that have always been moved by humane concerns.
Alejandro Castro EspinToday China is a first world economy, in terms of development. The U.S. may still be in first in GDP but it is a broken economy in reality.
Alejandro Castro EspinThe role that Cuba played and the lives of those 2,077 Cubans, whose mothers and families mourn for having lost their children in Africa, helped achieve the true security and independence of Angola. It was a contribution because in the end the Angolan people were the ones who decided that. We also contributed in a definitive way securing the independence of Namibia after years that a United Nations resolution was being ignored by South Africa and the western powers.
Alejandro Castro EspinTo apply communism is an aspiration, in fact it has never been applied anywhere, it is really still a utopia.
Alejandro Castro Espin