I think there's more room for different representations of women within fashion imagery.
Alexa ChungI would say probably Paris [Hilton]. Because to me that's her in character and she kind was always sort of winking at the camera. There was satire I think involved in what she was doing. I like to think there was.
Alexa ChungListen, the idea that I might be a fashion soothsayer is very flattering but completely inaccurate.
Alexa ChungI actually found out about Ugg on a trip to Australia, which I guess is where they were born themselves. Everyone was wearing them there, kind of slightly ahead of when they caught on globally. This was in 2002 or so. Just after I left sixth form I was modeling and my best mate was Australian so I went over there to visit her. That was my introduction to the brand.
Alexa Chung