Some of Kant's particular moral opinions, either because he shared the prejudices of his time, or because of his own personal crotchets, can strike sensible people as ridiculous or offensive. But in my view, his own theory provides us with the resources (the best resources available, I believe) to correct his own personal errors or cultural prejudices.
Allen W. WoodKant did think he had a moral route back to rational faith in God, for those who need it, and he thought that at some level, we all do need something like it.
Allen W. WoodSome empirical feelings, such as sympathy, are indispensable parts of certain moral virtues.
Allen W. WoodWe totally misunderstand both his aims and his contribution if we try to read into Marx some anticipation of either the modest successes or the disastrous failures of those who later thought they were acting in his name.
Allen W. WoodThere is a lot in Adam Smith that reflects the insights of Rousseau and anticipates those of Marx.
Allen W. WoodDescartes recommended that we distrust the senses and rely on the ... use of our intellect.
Allen W. WoodIn my acquaintance with John Rawls, I found him to be a simple and honest man, who just by chance also happened to be the greatest moral philosopher of the twentieth century. I would like to think that I could emulate at least his modesty - his refusal to exaggerate his perception of himself and his place in the larger scheme of things - even if my work never compares with his in its importance.
Allen W. Wood