Karl Marx left it to others to find the way beyond capitalism to a higher form of society. He saw his role as giving them as accurate a theory as he could of how capitalism works, which would also show them the reasons why it needs to be abolished and replaced by a freer and more human form of society.
Allen W. WoodWe can treat human responses to cognitions as involving law-like connections grounded on free choices which show themselves in our character.
Allen W. WoodKant says that we may regard ourselves as legislator of the moral law, and consider ourselves as its author, but not that we are legislators or authors of the law.
Allen W. WoodSurely the world will be a better place, at least marginally, if people have a better understanding of Kant and Hegel, if Marx's thought its studied and appreciated, if people gain a better understanding of Fichte, whose philosophy is far more important than people realize.
Allen W. WoodKant certainly was sympathetic with the metaphysical tradition of rational theology that he criticized.
Allen W. Wood