It's fun to see someone grow as a writer, moving from their first workshopped poems to publishing their earliest poems to having a book accepted for publication. It's great to see poets with persistence succeed.
Allison JosephI think that the people who really accomplish things in this world have to have a little bit of crazy in them.
Allison JosephOnly after my father's death could I speak my own individual truths about him. In a sense, I had to turn him into a character, a figure I could control through language.
Allison JosephSocial media is alluring, tempting, frustrating, etc. We mistake our interactions in social media as community, but is community possible when you don't even know what someone looks like or what his or her voice sounds like? I've enjoyed connecting with a lot of poets through social media, but do I truly know them if I haven't even met them yet?
Allison Joseph