Another one from the immortals and again i cant remember what book. Haven to Ever In every relationship there is always someone who loves more, my point is no matter how it looks from the outside the truth is, its never really equal, that's just not the way it works,there is always the pursued and the pursuer, the cat and the mouse.
Alyson NoelI'm after something far more esoteric than a virginal shag. Though, if you'd like, darlin', I'm certainly up for the task.
Alyson NoelHome. That wonderful place I was lucky enough to revisit no matter how short a time finally realizing it's not relegated to just one single place its wherever you make it.
Alyson NoelThough I have to admit, I had a good laugh when I realized you thought I was a bloodsucker." He smiles. "Oh, well excuse me. I mean since there are immortals running around, I figure we may as well bring on the faeries, wizards, werewolves, andโ" I shake my head. "I mean jeez, you talk about all this like it's normal!
Alyson Noel