Of course such a failed state as Indonesia is fully supported by Western academia and the mass media, because it does what it is told to do: it became a huge, brainwashed country, which is now plundering and exporting its riches, while not even having a clue that many parts of the world are now fighting for true independence from Western tyranny, and for socialism.
Andre VltchekWe understand that a thriving democracy would not be achieved if the people were still uneducated, and that, to educate them, the country has to pay a very high price.
Andre VltchekWe have to remember that the quality of medical care in Indonesia is on par with Kenya or Tanzania, not with Malaysia or Thailand, and that the system is totally corrupt, financially and morally, and would never allow anything 'public', or 'free'.
Andre VltchekUS dollars should not be used anymore. Western institutions should be ignored. Totally new structures should be, and are being erected. China and Russia are, of course, in the lead of de-dollarization. All this is extremely important and can change the world, in the near future.
Andre VltchekThe forces of internationalism, humanism and solidarity will have to be victorious, or soon there will be nothing left of the human race.
Andre VltchekThe Western public should learn and remember one essential thing about China: no matter what European and North American propaganda barks about the People's Republic, China is much more "democratic" than the West. It is democratic in its own way.
Andre VltchekAs an internationalist, I feel that it is simply my duty to fight for Borneo, as it is my duty to fight for Afghanistan or for Venezuela. If someone is ready to support my work and my struggle, I'll be grateful. If no one will, I'll do it on my own, somehow! Attempts to destroy our planet do not wait. Why should I?
Andre Vltchek