They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm, midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy, they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.
Andrea MitchellIf Rudy Giuliani`s offense was that "Wallstreet Journal" did a round table where he openly campaigned for it, and said he didn`t want to be attorney general and that he was better qualified for it, then certainly Senator [Bob] Corker would seem to be, you know, among the best choices.
Andrea MitchellYou`ve got David Petraeus who, yes, did, you know, something for which he pleaded guilty.
Andrea MitchellSocially, Philadelphia was still a fairly provincial city, its business community governed by the mores of the Main Line. Politically, it was a cauldron of ethnic rivalries, dominated by competing Irish and Italian constituencies.
Andrea Mitchell