If Rudy Giuliani`s offense was that "Wallstreet Journal" did a round table where he openly campaigned for it, and said he didn`t want to be attorney general and that he was better qualified for it, then certainly Senator [Bob] Corker would seem to be, you know, among the best choices.
Andrea MitchellYou`ve got James Comey on camera on Capitol Hill saying, - no, it is not much less of an offense than Hillary Clinton. In fact, it is far more serious. It was prosecuted.
Andrea MitchellSenator [Bob] Corker has been, first of all, discreet and loyal. He has not signaled the internal mechanisms. He`s been pretty honestly saying, I wasn`t a real insider in the campaign.
Andrea MitchellHow does [Mitt Romney] explain all of those terrible things he said, you know, that - to the Kellyanne [Conwey] point.
Andrea Mitchell... there was a part of me that wanted to be liked, and despite all my years of reporting, I never quite adjusted to the role of skunk at the garden party.
Andrea Mitchell