I feel like all of my characters now take this congested situation, they clash, and from there you purge yourself.
Ang LeeWhen you go for something because you're curious about it, you get psyched up about the chance of getting into it. It's like an actor meets a role, and you slip into that body and see what happens, to experience certain conditions, to adopt a certain character. Even shooting is a study of the character. I think both the character and the actor, and eventually the filmmaker - myself - are finding a way to accept their environment and being accepted and feel comfortable of themselves.
Ang LeeI grew up pretty peacefully, in that Eastern way. You easily solve problems, believe in harmony. Reduce conflicts, take orders until one day you give orders.
Ang Lee3D is quite a lot more advanced in animated movies; for live-action movies we're just taking baby steps, we're just in the beginning.
Ang Lee