And, indeed, is there not something holy about a great kitchen?... The scoured gleam of row upon row of metal vessels dangling from hooks or reposing on their shelves till needed with the air of so many chalices waiting for the celebration of the sacrament of food. And the range like an altar, yes, before which my mother bowed in perpetual homage, a fringe of sweat upon her upper lip and the fire glowing in her cheeks.
Angela CarterThe notion of a universality of human experience is a confidence trick and the notion of a universality of female experience is a clever confidence trick.
Angela CarterOur fingernails match our toenails, match our lipstick match our rouge...The habit of applying warpaint outlasts the battle.
Angela CarterHe is the intermediary between us, his audience, the living, and they, the dolls, the undead, who cannot live at all and yet who mimic the living in every detail since, though they cannot speak or weep, still they project those signals of signification we instantly recognize as language.
Angela Carter