For all cats have this particularity, each and every one, from the meanest alley sneaker to the proudest, whitest she that ever graced a pontiff's pillow — we have our smiles, as it were, painted on. Those small, cool, quite Mona Lisa smiles that smile we must, no matter whether it's been fun or it's been not. So all cats have a politician's air; we smile and smile and so they think we're villains
Angela CarterOne day, Annabel saw the sun and moon in the sky at the same time. The sight filled her with a terror which entirely consumed her and did not leave her until the night closed in catastrophe for she had no instinct for self-preservation if she was confronted by ambiguities.
Angela CarterThe only time I ever iron the sheets or make meringues is when there is an ... urgent deadline in the offing.
Angela CarterHollywood... was the place where the United States perpetrated itself as a universal dream and put the dream into mass production.
Angela Carter