advertising confuses values ... By appealing either to fear, or to vanity, or to covetousness, it very skillfully insinuates false values.
Ann Bridgethere is that wish, in the name of democracy, to level down, because high cultural standards are despised and rejected, and even feared, in our Western Democracies. Don't let anyone else have what I've not got, or can't enjoy! - is the secret theory. A very large number of writers in the British and American popular press profess to be preaching democracy when in fact they are only trying to make envy respectable!
Ann Bridgedo get over the idea that size has any value or merit. It is the enemy of most of the best things in the world - it is the enemy of the good life.
Ann BridgeI do disapprove of the modern attitude that you can't do the simplest thing, like dying or being born, in your own house.
Ann Bridge