All my experience of the world teaches me that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the safe side and the just side of a question is the generous side and the merciful side.
Anna Brownell JamesonI have great admiration for power, a great terror of weakness, especially in my own sex, yet feel that my love is for those who overcome the mental and moral suffering and temptation through excess of tenderness rather than through excess of strength.
Anna Brownell JamesonConflict, which rouses up the best and highest powers in some characters, in others not only jars the whole being, but paralyzes the faculties.
Anna Brownell JamesonIf a superior woman marry a vulgar or inferior man, he makes her miserable, but seldom governs her mind or vulgarizes her nature; and if there be love on his side, the chances are that in the end she will elevate and refine him.
Anna Brownell Jameson