She was like a heroine in a novel that she herself was writing the character kept protesting that she was too strong for love and yet the narrator went on describing her desire.
Anna GodbersenI can't imagine what my life was before. I can't imagine ever being without you for very long again.
Anna GodbersenIt is a truth universally acknowledge that there will always be a gentleman to dance with, except at just the moment when you require one most.
Anna GodbersenThat was how the heroine of a book would play it and Diana was still writing her own story the best heroines she'd always believed took their fate into their own hands.
Anna GodbersenHenry turned his hat in his hands but went on looking at Diana in a way that made her want to crawl into his arms and stay there forever.
Anna GodbersenIt is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer. Everything fades: the shimmer of gold over White Cove; the laughter in the night air; the lavender early morning light on the faces of skyscrapers, which had suddenly become so heroically tall. Every dawn seemed to promise fresh miracles, among other joys that are in short supply these days. And so I will try to tell you, while I still remember, how it was then, before everything changed-that final season of the era that roared.
Anna Godbersen