Someone must transform income into the food, shelter, clothing, nurture, discipline, education, minding, nursing, transportation, and emotional support that creates life outside of the office, permits survival of the race, cares for the ill and disabled, and makes life livable when we can no longer care for ourselves.
Anne-Marie SlaughterWe all love narratives where we're the captain of our boat, and Americans love them more than anybody else.
Anne-Marie SlaughterMotherhood is a greater predictor of wage inequality than gender is. It's enormous.
Anne-Marie SlaughterHaving it all means having the same work and family choices that men do. It doesn't mean having everything that you want. No one has that.
Anne-Marie SlaughterWhen we talk about gender pay gaps in the United States, and if you look at women without children, they earn 96 cents for every dollar that a man is earning, while for mothers it is about 76 cents. That's nearly 25 percent less. For single mothers, the situation is even worse. One third of them are living in poverty or just on the edge of poverty. This is an unacceptable situation.
Anne-Marie Slaughter