I like the idea of the object, the relic. And I see it as a time machine too or a device you plug into a socket that activates a sound and light show.
Anne WaldmanI still had to correct Allen Ginsberg at times when he called women girls. I'd say. Allen please, it's not politically correct.
Anne WaldmanI am a poet, bard, scop, minnesinger, trobairitz who is driven by sound and the possibilities for vocal expression, the mouthing of text as well as intentionality or dance on the page.
Anne WaldmanAs a woman I have felt encouraged and fed by and nurtured by the work of [Jack] Kerouac and others.
Anne WaldmanOne has to be cautious and respectful of the power of the "substance" guides. I don't advocate imbibing the "little saint children," as Maria Sabina calls the magic mushrooms, or anything else for everyone. I find that certain substances reconnect me to a primal context of purpose that goes beyond identity and ownership. The writing-when I've worked it this way-is the kind of information you take back from dreams. Or it's hypnotic writing rather than getting off on some sort of pleasure trip or intellectual trip.
Anne Waldman