Of course, we all have to be taxed, but once you start to earn more than £150,000, and start paying 45 per cent tax, you are penalised. It is like a witch hunt.
Anthea TurnerOne wise decision I made was buying a plot of land with planning permission in Richmond, and building my own five-bedroom home on it. I sold three years after I completed the building and more than doubled my money. I like Richmond and always have my eyes open for other properties in the area.
Anthea TurnerWe should be encouraging people to earn a lot of money. I do not know one wealthy person who does not spend money - and most of them employ other people.
Anthea TurnerOften, there is a job - say, for a voiceover or an appearance - and you think: 'Blimey!' From the outside it would seem like you are being paid a lot for a short amount of your time. It would be inappropriate to share how much they pay, but in the industry we call it 'doing a bank raid'. Unfortunately, those jobs do not happen every week.
Anthea Turner