If, however, you have richer pursuits in mind and know that no woman should be judged by how she looks - that everything she brings to the party is more important than the size of her arse - then refuse to be sucked into the never ending whirligig of self-doubting, self-hating madness that is stop-start dieting and crazy new exercise regimes.
Arabella WeirI was accorded the opportunity to learn by failing - albeit at the cost of a few honourable teachers' sanity - and now I realise what a rare and incredible luxury that is.
Arabella WeirDoes everyone turn into a truculent thirteen-year-old when they go home, or is it just me?
Arabella WeirAs I was growing up, it was made clear that the fat me wasn't welcome, that a thin person was expected and awaited, and impatiently so.
Arabella Weir