Your clothes are an extra skin, and if you feel good in them, you radiate confidence and then the clothes are just the background. If you go out and wear the most beautiful thing but you don't feel good in it, you are not 100% present. You are worrying about the collar or the fit - the key thing for me is to be present in what I'm doing rather than worrying about my clothes.
Arianna Huffingtoncorporate America corrupted the watchdogs that were supposed to be guarding the public interest by feeding them under the table.
Arianna HuffingtonI failed, many times in my life. One failure that I always remember was when my second book was rejected by 36 publishers. Many years later, I watched HuffPost come alive
Arianna HuffingtonSo great becomes the fear of losing what we have that many of us rush back to hide under the temporary shelter of convention rather than follow the path of self-discovery wherever it might lead. Given adequate time and sufficient fear, we may hide so long that we hardly notice we're slowly suffocating.
Arianna HuffingtonI wish I'd known sooner that success isn't defined by who goes the longest without vacation.
Arianna Huffington