Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom, to see everything through the filter of right and left.
Arianna HuffingtonI'm passionate. I find if I really believe something, I want to put my entire being behind it.
Arianna HuffingtonFailure is not the opposite to success, it's a stepping stone to success. If our primary goal is to be approved of, then we are not going to take risks, we are not going to speak out, we are going to try to blend in.
Arianna HuffingtonWhy do we spend so much of our limited time on this earth focusing on all the things that our eulogies will never cover?
Arianna HuffingtonThe crisis in America that we barely notice anymore is that we've become two nations - divided by poverty, opportunity, and race. It's like a neighbor's car alarm that we don't hear anymore because it rings so often.
Arianna HuffingtonThere is a purpose to our lives, even if it is sometimes hidden from us, and even if the biggest turning points and heartbreaks only make sense as we look back, rather than as we are experiencing them. So we might as well live life as if - as the poet Rumi put it - everything is rigged in our favor.
Arianna Huffington