The first thing you discover is a kind of emptiness, a silence, a presence which doesn't seem to have content to it, like looking up at a limitless sky. That boundary-less place inside you is your own consciousness, your awareness. When you relax into it, you realize that it's also full - it is everything. You realize this presence is what you really are: Love.
Arjuna ArdaghFeminine spirituality is much more about the emanation of love in this moment, feeling into this moment, feeling the texture of this moment through the skin, through the body, and then letting your life become an emanation of love.
Arjuna ArdaghMost of us spend our lives convinced that there's something missing: "If only I had a bigger barbecue, more money, a bigger car, a different wife, a different.... If only I could upgrade somehow, then I would be okay."
Arjuna ArdaghThat's the translucent life. You are continuously discovering how you can ooze more Spirit into your personal life and there's no end to that process. It goes on and on and deepens and deepens and deepens.
Arjuna ArdaghThe translucent life is very much about overflowing with a gift to the world, rather than being here to consume or to get something for yourself.
Arjuna Ardagh