Pessimism is carefully cultivated in some intellectual circles, as if it were a precious plant that the human race could not afford to lose.
Arthur LynchWe must rejoice when love is great, and pardon its excess, for love is the staff of life, and life without love is life in vain.
Arthur LynchThe test of education, apart from the accomplishments that secure places in an artificial system, should be this: Let the man be thrown naked on an unknown shore, and be forced to win his way amidst a new people. It may then be of little use to play cricket or to mishandle Tschaikowsky on a piano, but good physique, intelligence, and will power make their way infallibly.
Arthur LynchThe accumulation of facts, even if interesting in themselves, should not constitute the main part of education; these facts, whether they be of classical learning or knick-knacks of history, will be of little use unless the mind has been trained to see them in proper perspective.
Arthur Lynch