Nothing in all the vast universe can come to pass otherwise than God has eternally purposed. Here is a foundation of faith. Here is a resting place for the intellect. Here is an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast. It is not blind fate, unbridled evil, man or Devil, but the Lord Almighty who is ruling the world, ruling it according to His own good pleasure and for His own eternal glory.
Arthur W. PinkA natural faith is sufficient for trusting a human object; but a supernatural faith is required to trust savingly in a Divine object.
Arthur W. PinkAlmost all doctrinal error is really truth perverted. Truth wrongly divided. Truth disproportionately held and taught.
Arthur W. PinkBut why should we not place implicit confidence in God and rely upon His word of promise? Is anything too hard for the Lord? Has His word of promise ever failed? Then let us not entertain any unbelieving suspicions of His future care of us. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not so His promises.
Arthur W. Pink