When we talk about self-confrontations, we are speaking about moral issues rather than social issues.
Asghar FarhadiBecause I write the screenplay entirely and precisely, there is the danger that an actor might feel that this finite role is being imposed on them. I want the actors to feel that this is their own role, and that they can go back to point zero and develop this character.
Asghar FarhadiI always feel that a viewer has an expectation about every moment of the film and where it's going, so if I act against that, I've created a twist. In fact it becomes a kind of game with the expectations of the viewer. This is the superficial appearance. In the layer beneath there is a hidden theme. The result of each twist is that the judgment of the audience member is challenged.
Asghar FarhadiIs there one specific source that determines correct morality and everybody should follow that? Or should individuals come up with following that source or not depending on their situation?
Asghar FarhadiI think that theater is the closest medium to music. It's very pure. It's for the elite of the society. It's not for everyone in the society.
Asghar FarhadiI always thought that in the countries that the modernity kicks in later, it seems that everything changes on the surface, the physical things change, but inside, things haven't changed, really. This is always the challenge of this kind of community, to make a harmony between the cultural traditions and the modernity of modern life.
Asghar Farhadi