Man is the only 150 pound nonlinear servomechanism that can be wholly reproduced by unskilled labor.
Ashley MontaguIntellect without humanity is not good enough...what the world is suffering from at the present time is not so much an overabundance of intellect as an insufficiency of humanity.
Ashley MontaguPsychosclerosis: the hardening of the attitude which causes a person to cease dreaming, seeing, thinking, and leading.
Ashley MontaguThe indications are that swearing preceded the development of cursing. That is, expletives, maledictions, exclamations, and imprecations of the immediately explosive or vituperative kind preceded the speechmaking and later rituals involved in the deliberate apportioning of the fate of an enemy. Swearing of the former variety is from the lips only, but the latter is from the heart. Damn it! is not that same as Damn you!
Ashley Montagu