When you venture at life with curiosity, you can learn from anything. You learn from things that you could never maybe thought you could learn from. And when you actually step into the room with a lot of people who have an education in a classroom, that is very similar to other people's educations, you'll actually come with a unique perspective that could be a valuable perspective that creates an innovation that could change the world.
Ashton KutcherThere are a lot of perks that come with fame, and with every positive there's a negative, and then it all kind of balances out.
Ashton KutcherIn the movies, you want a good story and characters that are honest, but you are also looking for a good director who can lead the ship. That's how we look at business. Everybody has a great idea for a start-up, and so do their relatives, and they tell me, 'You gotta build it.' I say, 'I have to believe in it.'
Ashton KutcherI don't believe that old cliche that good things come to those who wait. I think good things come to those who want something so bad they can't sit still.
Ashton KutcherThe search for the new black is one of the most elusive quests known to man. It's rumored that Christopher Columbus once searched for the new black and simply gave up. Yet every season we are convinced that some magical chromatic fabric will usurp black as the king of fashion, only to realize later that black still reigns supreme.
Ashton Kutcher