Some people make stuff; other people have to buy it. And when we gave up making stuff, starting in the 1980s, we were left with the unique role of buying... We've shopped till we dropped alright, face down on the floor.
Barbara EhrenreichIf there is no God or no evidence of God and certainly no evidence of a very morally engaged god, then whatever has to be done has to be done by us.
Barbara EhrenreichWarriors make wars, but it is also true that, in what has so far been an endless reproductive cycle, war makes warriors.
Barbara EhrenreichIt is the marketplace that calls most clearly for men to be softer, more narcissistic and receptive, and the new man is the result.
Barbara EhrenreichThe only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with in the last twenty years are (1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing the wealth upward toward those who already have more than they know what to do with, and (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those who know more than they need to.
Barbara EhrenreichThe less sophisticated of my forbears avoided foreigners at all costs, for the very good reason that, in their circles, speaking in tongues was commonly a prelude to snake handling. The more tolerant among us regarded foreign languages as a kind of speech impediment that could be overcome by willpower.
Barbara Ehrenreich