We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworthin modern society, fear of unemployment remains the darkest of the shadows thrown by the past. In an industrial order, a man out of work is almost a man out of life.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthTo me, one of the proofs that there is a moral governance in the universe is the fact that when people and governments work intelligently and far-sightedly for the good of others, they achieve their own prosperity, too.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthIt is very much easier for a rich man to invest and grow richer than for the poor man to begin investing at all. And this is also true of nations.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthIn the home we make certain distinctions about functions of rooms and corridors; we do not deliver the groceries straight into the baby's crib. In hospitals we do not take the food trolleys right through the operating chamber, and we rarely have the recreation room next to the convalescent room. We sort out the functions. We have to sort out the functions of the city and the streams of traffic and re-create arterial systems that allow us to breathe ... the shape, pattern and sense of community which you expect if it were a home.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth