The modern world is not given to uncritical admiration. It expects its idols to have feet of clay and can be reasonably sure that the press and camera will report their exact dimensions.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthThere is no human failure greater than to launch a profoundly important endeavour and then leave it half done.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworthif we continue with what is surely our greatest Western temptation, and think that in some way history owes us a solution, that we can, by pursuing our own most parochial self-interest, achieve in some miraculous way a consummation of world order, then we are heading not simply towards great disappointments, but towards disaster and tragedy as well.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthIt is a fact of history that those who seek to withdraw from its great experiments usually end up being overwhelmed by them.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of LodsworthIt is only when people begin to shake loose from their preconceptions, from the ideas that have dominated them, that we begin to receive a sense of opening, a sense of vision...That is the sort of time we live in now. in an epoch in which the solid ground of our preconceived ideas shakes daily under our uncertain feet.
Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth