If we're doing this for ten hours, I'm going to need a little incentive to stay motivated." Patch hooked his elbow around my neck and dragged me into a kiss. "Every time you strip my sword, I owe you a kiss. How's that sound?" I bit my lip to keep from giggling. "That sounds really dirty." Patch waggled his eyebrows. "Look whose mind just rolled into the gutter. Two kisses per strip. Any objections?" I pulled on an innocent face. "None whatsoever.
Becca FitzpatrickHang on, did you just call me Angel?" I asked. "If I did?" "I don't like it." He grinned. "It stays, Angel.
Becca FitzpatrickRight now, Vee was the only person I could count on. She could be obnoxious,annoying, and lazy, but she never lied to me.
Becca Fitzpatrick