What sort of attractions do you think lured our coreligionists out of the ghetto and into the mainstream of European culture? Was it the wit of Moliรจre, or the ingenious stage mechanisms of Pixรฉrรฉcourt? Or was it simply the opportunity to cast an eye, without shame, upon the living, unclad human form?
Ben KatchorThe funny thing is, nationalism only could have come about in Europe after the invention of printing. You could have this thing that was a book in a vernacular language, and you could imagine there were other readers of this book who you couldn't see, but they were a theoretical union of readers who all use the same language. That is kind of a prerequisite for a national fantasy. You need that thing, and it's a strange thing.
Ben KatchorWhat sort of attractions do you think lured our coreligionists out of the ghetto and into the mainstream of European culture? Was it the wit of Moliรจre, or the ingenious stage mechanisms of Pixรฉrรฉcourt? Or was it simply the opportunity to cast an eye, without shame, upon the living, unclad human form?
Ben KatchorI always lived in old buildings, and I thought about who lived here before. You'd have to be oblivious not to.
Ben KatchorI've wasted the last five years of my life dealing in religious articles. People today find spiritual solace in ballroom dancing.
Ben KatchorA picture story just doesn't run like a film. It doesn't have 24 frames per second. It doesn't deal with this illusion of movement. It's more like if you did an illuminated novel. I think both of those things should be running at full blast, not less of both so it becomes an easier thing. I think it should be twice as dense. That's just what interests me.
Ben Katchor