It is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption, although they may be very convenient for gratifying the ambition or the vanity of individuals, have any great effect upon the fortunes or the power of parties. And it is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption are means by which power can either be ob-tained or retained.
Benjamin DisraeliIt is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption, although they may be very convenient for gratifying the ambition or the vanity of individuals, have any great effect upon the fortunes or the power of parties. And it is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption are means by which power can either be ob-tained or retained.
Benjamin DisraeliAt present the peace of the world has been preserved, not by statesmen, but by capitalists.
Benjamin DisraeliThe feeling of satiety, almost inseparable from large possessions, is a surer cause of misery than ungratified desires.
Benjamin Disraeli