We are not going back. Not only are we not going to retreat on women's rights, we are going to expand them. We are going forward, not backward.
Bernie SandersIf you look at our records, I stood up to corporate America time and time again. I went to Mexico. I saw the lives of people who were working in American factories and making $0.25 an hour.
Bernie SandersI call upon Donald Trump to rescind the appointment that he made of Stephen Bannon. A president of the United States should not have a racist at his side, unacceptable.
Bernie SandersThe billionaires and their super PACs increasingly control the American political process. This is not democracy. This is not what brave Americans fought and died to defend. This is oligarchy. This is government of the few, by the few and for the few. We must overturn Citizen United and move to public funding of elections.
Bernie Sanders