I think it is now widely understood that the so-called "War on Drugs" has largely been a failure. Too many people have developed criminal records for smoking marijuana. Too many people have gone to jail for nonviolent crimes. So I think it's important for us to rethink the war on drugs.
Bernie SandersWhen we talk about the healthcare crisis in America we've got to also be talking about the dental crisis and how to address it.
Bernie SandersYou go to Scandinavia, and you will find that people have a much higher standard of living, in terms of education, health care and decent paying jobs.
Bernie SandersThe Fed has got to become a more democratic institution that is responsive to the needs of the middle class, not just Wall Street CEOs.
Bernie SandersI think we are making progress, but we have long way to go. People also have got to understand the agenda that we are fighting for. This is a senator who has taken on every powerful special interest, whether it's Wall Street, whether it's drug companies who are ripping off the American people, the military industrial complex.
Bernie SandersPeople who know the economy is rigged in favor of big money, people who know that our middle class continues to decline and we have to go outside of establishment politics and economics, people who know that we need to reform a broken criminal justice system and we need comprehensive immigration reform.
Bernie Sanders