Arithmetic must be discovered in just the same sense in which Columbus discovered the West Indies, and we no more create numbers than he created the Indians.
Bertrand RussellIn all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
Bertrand RussellThere are certain things that our age needs. It needs, above all, courageous hope and the impulse to creativeness.
Bertrand RussellIt seems to me now that mathematics is capable of an artistic excellence as great as that of any music, perhaps greater; not because the pleasure it gives (although very pure) is comparable, either in intensity or in the number of people who feel it, to that of music, but because it gives in absolute perfection that combination, characteristic of great art, of godlike freedom, with the sense of inevitable destiny; because, in fact, it constructs an ideal world where everything is perfect and yet true.
Bertrand Russell