...if God teaches us victory in Christ Jesus day by day, we live in the constant awareness of His greatness and His sufficiency. Hard lessons are often long-lasting lessons. Never forget that God is far more interested in our getting to know the Deliverer than simply being delivered.
Beth MooreIf we wait for the needy to walk through our church doors, we may wait a long time. God doesn't wait for people to come to Him. He goes to them.
Beth MooreWhether we get to avoid pain and suffering or we must persevere in the midst of it, our deliverance comes when we're dragged from the enemy of our souls to the heart of God.
Beth MooreWe will never be more ourselves, with the fullness of our personality and the uniqueness of our gifting, than when we just wholly give ourselves over to our very faithful, faithful God.
Beth MooreI believe that children are, by nature, very forgiving. I don't think children expect their parents to be perfect. I think they demand that their parents be real.
Beth MooreI want Godโs Word to get into our bone marrow and change the way we walk...change what we do...change how we think.
Beth MooreDon't assume that God will always work in your life the way He always has. A sunset is proof that God colors outside the lines. He has no status quo. Even the laws of nature are His to interrupt. As many times as you've prayed before, today may be the day when God sends the answer so swiftly-so divinely-that you're windburned.
Beth MooreI don't know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today.
Beth MooreWhen we think weโre at the mercy of our circumstances and past, we discount the power that is ours through the Holy Spirit.
Beth MooreThe true determining factor of our belief system is not what we're saying, but how we are living.
Beth MooreGod's desire is not for us to turn our churches and Christian gatherings into hideouts from the world. Rather, they're meant to be places where we become equipped and fortified to minister out in the world.
Beth MooreA head full of biblical knowledge without a heart passionately in love with Christ is terribly dangerous - a stronghold waiting to happen. The head is full, but the heart and soul are still unsatisfied.
Beth MooreYou cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way, and keep expecting something different to happen.
Beth MooreMuch guilt arises in the life of the believer from practicing the chameleon life of environmental adaptation.
Beth MooreOur victory rests not on faith in our spirituality. Our victory rests on faith in our God.
Beth MooreGod longs for us to freely pour out every single emotion, no matter how toxic, right before Him.
Beth MoorePeople don't need Christians to act like we always have it together. People need us to be real! What kind of healing would come if we all just got real before God and others?
Beth MooreI am convinced now that virtually every destructive behavior and addiction I battled off and on for years was rooted in my (well-earned) insecurity.
Beth MooreThe question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose.
Beth MooreIf we only understood that when we devote our lives to the glory of God, our existence on planet earth will leave marks---eternal marks.
Beth MooreI say this as a big sister in the faith hoping someone might learn an easier way. Arrogance does not bode well. It attracts the rod of God.
Beth MooreWe're stronger and braver TOGETHER. Do not let this world and this narcissistic culture make competitors out of the very people who are meant to be your comrades in arms.
Beth MooreHumility takes a supply of supernatural strength that comes only to those strong enough to admit weakness
Beth MooreWhen we donโt take God too seriously, others donโt take our leadership too seriously!
Beth MooreGod has promised to every single one of us that even in our hardest times, if we would just hang on long enough, the blessing will come.
Beth MooreWhatever God is urging you to clear away cannot begin to be compared to what He ultimately wants to bring you.
Beth MooreThere is something very healthy about finding support from others during difficult times. I needed it for my own healing.
Beth MooreNo matter what authority Satan and his subjects have temporarily been allowed in this world system, Christ can pull rank anytime He wants to.
Beth MooreGod alone created marriage. Adam slept through the entire ceremony. Eve came in late. It seems to me men are still sleeping through marriage, and women are still coming to their senses a little too late. God alone performed that ceremony, and He alone can hold it together.
Beth MooreSometimes God allows us to explore the 'whys' of His instructions. Other times He wants us to obey 'because He said so.' Has God asked you to obey in a specific matter that still awaits your obedient response?
Beth MooreOne of the most critical reasons believers experience defeat is because we categorize only a few areas of our lives as Christ's arena.
Beth MooreNothing on earth compares to the strength God is willing to interject into lives caught in the act of believing.
Beth MooreMy very addictive personality and all sorts of strongholds are a thing of the past for me. Yet at the root of every single one of those issues was insecurity, something I had battled since childhood.
Beth MooreAnyone who truly walks with God, walks humbly. The closer we draw near to Him, the more we behold His majesty!
Beth MooreWe can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but frankly we won't if we're too afraid to try.
Beth Moore