When I was younger, there were moments where I said, 'I'm not going to have children.' And then moments when I wanted four. And now I definitely want another, but I don't know when.
Beyonce KnowlesI like it when I'm on the stage, but honestly, I would be very happy if I could cut it off, just enjoy my life when I wasn't performing.
Beyonce KnowlesThe best thing is looking back and realizing how good life is. If you don't take the time to think about it and analyze it, you'll never realize all the dots that are connected.
Beyonce KnowlesI would want them to really think about how amazing they are and how lucky they are to be a woman. And how powerful they are. And I'd tell them to love every day of it because it's the biggest miracle and a woman that's able to give birth is the most important, lucky, fortunate woman in the world.
Beyonce Knowles