The tearoom lady called me love. All the shop ladies called me love and most of the men called me mate. I hadn't been here twelve hours and already they loved me.
Bill BrysonLanguage is more fashion than science, and matters of usage, spelling and pronunciation tend to wander around like hemlines.
Bill BrysonAmerica is a great disappointment to me. As I said in one of my books, other societies create civilisations; we build shopping malls.
Bill BrysonI really enjoy going to a library and spending the day doing research - to me that is the most pleasurable part of writing the science book.
Bill BrysonMy favourite fellow of the Royal Society is the Reverend Thomas Bayes, an obscure 18th-century Kent clergyman and a brilliant mathematician who devised a complex equation known as the Bayes theorem, which can be used to work out probability distributions. It had no practical application in his lifetime, but today, thanks to computers, is routinely used in the modelling of climate change, astrophysics and stock-market analysis.
Bill Bryson