The normal press cycle is to put a company on a pedestal and then knock it down. It's much more interesting that way.
Biz StoneI've probably overused this analogy of a flock of birds moving around an object in flight, but, in reality, it's so simple, real time communication of individuals that allow for this super organism type of organism to happen.
Biz StoneThe reason I really started running was for meditative purposes. I would pick some problem to have in my head while running.
Biz StoneYou don't have to spend the entire day hunched over your computer consuming this information. Maybe, it is as simple as once in a while glancing down at the device that's invaluable to you or many reasons, catching up, or it lets you know when you should know something. But as these things get better and we get more connected in it, it will get more sophisticated.
Biz Stone