I believe in rendering to science the things that belong to science. I have no problem with evolution or discussions of the age of the Earth, for I don't believe that we come anywhere near comprehending the mind of God or the workings of the universe. Science can explain a lot, but it cannot give us faith, and I think we need both.
Brandon SandersonWomen? Women are like...thunderstorms. They're beautiful to look at, and sometimes they're nice to listen to-but most of the time they're just plain inconvenient.
Brandon SandersonThat's the point, isn't it? We have to live on, no matter how hard it gets. We'll win in the end.
Brandon SandersonYou said their prayer - is this the religion you believe in, then?" "I believe in them all." Vin frowned. "None of them contradict each other?" Sazed smiled. "Oh, often and frequently they do. But, I respect the truths behind them all.
Brandon SandersonThe nature of morality must be considered, and preferably before one is exposed to situations where a moral decision is required.
Brandon Sanderson